INTRODUCTION ‘Welcome to reality!’


This first post will introduce you behind the concept of this blog. Hyper-Idealistic lies will be looking into how social media is giving  society the opportunity to have a fake life through what they choose to share with others online. Every one wants to show of their best and make their audience think about how they are living the perfect life; always happy, many friends, owns fancy things, fun activity, eats healthy, or things to die for.

The question is this, is the part that you are choosing to show through the social media really whom you are, are you really always that happy and exited about everything because  if that is so it sounds very unrealistic. Looking at social media platforms such as Facebook and Instagram ,people tend to post things about themselves to interact with others and perhaps to enjoy getting likes, hearts and fancy emojis and positive reactions to feel connected with their friends and followers. Why? do they do it for the memories, or to feel positive about doing something ‘right’.

“Hyper-idealistic lies” is about  the lie that some social media users convey about their idea of their ‘Ideal’ self, which is where the blog’s name is coming from. The shift between the ‘real and ideal’ gives people power to be someone they are not, nor will be.

The future blog’s posts will seek subjects related to this topic such as;

  • Power to the user
  • Effect on the user
  • Reasons of why people tend to show their ideal
  • Self-esteem
  • Reasons why they hide their real
  • How they influence their audience
  • Living a hyper-reality
  • Conveying fake news about themselves
  • The control the user has over his ideal life
  • How they can become famous
  • How powerful visual communication is and how different it can portray reality
  • What people should be doing instead of dreaming about living a fake perfect life through social media platforms.

The Aim is to discuss these truths and make people realise that this might be something they are doing them themselves without being aware, living their life through their laptops and phones is not a way of life.

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