YOU, YES YOU! don’t read this blog and go have some fun.


Maturity is when you stop posting everything you do on social media. There is no need to tell everyone everything that you are doing on the media. For various reasons;

  • not their business
  • can be annoying to others
  • there is already too much going on on the media and your post of a close up of your homemade sandwich is not something that you should be posting on the media.
  • people prefer to see interesting posts.

Social media such as facebook and instagram are large platforms were we see an endless amount of posts as we scroll. The result is that we end up loosing time scrolling through these pages to see how others have spent their day or any news that might have occurred during the day. This can be problematic when it comes into an addiction, it takes time and some people especially adolescents spend long hours going through social media that can lead them to various disadvantages such as;

  • no longer having time for hobbies.
  • distraction from studying.
  • not socialising with family members.

In addition, these facts can lead them to loose opportunities in the future which is very problematic for these next generations if this will not be controlled.



In the modern world posting on social media seems to be a mainstream. Many people go out, travel do activities and live moments that end up not appreciating the moment itself to capture it’s memory of it. I can even say so from experience myself. It is not the first time that I go out with my friends and notice that some of them spend a long time taking the perfect picture of us and sometimes over an hour to choose a quote to go with it. Yes an hour!

The point is that we are focusing so much on what we want others to know about our happy moments that we end up loosing the real values that should be living in the moment itself.


  • If you want to keep a memory, take the photo and maybe post it later when you have free time.
  • Learn to turn off your phone or keep it in your bag, that will help you avoid the temptation to go on scrolling to see what others have posted, or from checking how many likes you have got since the time you posted your image.

Speaking about values, the aim of this post is to have an awareness regards the values of what you should be doing in the moment. Parents should be responsible in teaching their children on how to play instead of rewarding them I phones. We are becoming a society that is slaved to the media platform. Were we’d rather socialise online rather than in real life. It is vital to bring back the values that older generations had lived when social media was not yet present, to go out and enjoy yourself instead of worrying about posting or to see what others have posted whilst you are meant to be spending some quality time with your family or friends.


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