INTRODUCTION ‘Welcome to reality!’


This first post will introduce you behind the concept of this blog. Hyper-Idealistic lies will be looking into how social media is giving  society the opportunity to have a fake life through what they choose to share with others online. Every one wants to show of their best and make their audience think about how they are living the perfect life; always happy, many friends, owns fancy things, fun activity, eats healthy, or things to die for.

The question is this, is the part that you are choosing to show through the social media really whom you are, are you really always that happy and exited about everything because  if that is so it sounds very unrealistic. Looking at social media platforms such as Facebook and Instagram ,people tend to post things about themselves to interact with others and perhaps to enjoy getting likes, hearts and fancy emojis and positive reactions to feel connected with their friends and followers. Why? do they do it for the memories, or to feel positive about doing something ‘right’.

“Hyper-idealistic lies” is about  the lie that some social media users convey about their idea of their ‘Ideal’ self, which is where the blog’s name is coming from. The shift between the ‘real and ideal’ gives people power to be someone they are not, nor will be.

The future blog’s posts will seek subjects related to this topic such as;

  • Power to the user
  • Effect on the user
  • Reasons of why people tend to show their ideal
  • Self-esteem
  • Reasons why they hide their real
  • How they influence their audience
  • Living a hyper-reality
  • Conveying fake news about themselves
  • The control the user has over his ideal life
  • How they can become famous
  • How powerful visual communication is and how different it can portray reality
  • What people should be doing instead of dreaming about living a fake perfect life through social media platforms.

The Aim is to discuss these truths and make people realise that this might be something they are doing them themselves without being aware, living their life through their laptops and phones is not a way of life.

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How people use the social media.

Society uses social media to keep in touch with their friends and followers, look at the news, or to build their perfect story through platforms like Facebook and Instagram. They spend their time looking at other’s posts and posting themselves, as if they were all bloggers that want to tell the others their great time which is most of the time fake. Just like we see fake news running all over the media we don’t realise that a large percentage of what people post are fake as well.

Reasons why people tend to show their ideal.

People only post the positive moments or make them up. A while ago I was discussing these issues, about how people make up their stories to look good for the media. One of the facts that we mentioned was that nowadays some people only smile for the camera as they know it will be in social media. In the discussion one of the members mentioned a story of how she had seen a couple constantly arguing at a restaurant, the woman took a photo of both of them smiling at the camera at their romantic dinner table, and then, continued arguing. I believed her, as it is not the first time that I have seen something similar myself. A sad reality where values are lost.

Why should we only be smiling for social media these days, pretending that we are having fun. Forcing smiles on photos and adding quotes like, “Date night with my best” and then wait for comments such as “good luck for more”.

This was an example of how people build their ideal life on such situations were they pretend to take beautiful pictures, fake pictures, that portray a perfect life.



Using Social Media to beat bullying.

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Apart from all the negativity that the social media brings along to today’s generation, 10 year old used a social media platform to feel confident about her dark skin which she was bullied for.

Bullying is not an easy experience to go through but we often see news about people that have saved themselves from their bad experiences by turning to social media where they let out what they feel to the public. Having a social media platform at such a young age is considered to be unacceptable but not in the case of ten year old Kheris. There is a positive side to social media and that is that it lets you express yourself with confidence. It is said that some people let their feelings out on social media because they have no confidence to do it themselves by words, where they prefer saying something behind their phone screens.

They do it to interact with people and feel more confident seeing people’s reactions and compliments. Using social media to send out a message and wait for a reply and in the case of bullying people bombard her with positive comments that make her feel confident about her appearance. Getting likes makes her feel extra better.

Kheri’s family hopes that she will use her platform to “positively influence other kids” ….. That should not have a social platform!!


Check this out!

See this video first! then read the story! Impressive..

‘How powerful visual communication is and how different it can portray reality’

I thought I was about to watch the man fall into that deep Missile Silo, the video’s perspective fooled me into believing that he was actually standing there. However I did wonder about what the guy was doing with a game box in hand but wow, when I saw how the video ended. You really can not believe or trust anything anything that the social media presents to you these days.

How to become a Millionaire!!


Well…. there are many ways that social media can give you power. The facility of the digital age today can make anyone become famous in seconds. Wether you intend to yourself by posting something online or by doing an act in public and someone makes you famous after posting a video of you online.

Social media is a wide platform that can make you reach people from all around the world if you are interesting for people to follow you will be successful. Lets bring an example with the cash me outside girl, a simple phrase that she said made the social media react and share the story of this girl. A girl that no one knew about yesterday, but the power that the social media gave her lead her to even start modeling now. How about dahh…!!

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Not to mention the large amount of money that the little star is making. It is said that by the end of 2017 Cash me outside girl is going to be a millionaire.

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What has she thought us about how to become a millionaire ?

Step one do something that can make you end up being interviewed on a live show with your parents.

Step two say something funny to your Mum in front of the audience.

Step three watch them cash you ousside…

Here is a list of  people that became famous through social media.

Effect on the audience

Social media gives power to the user, but  how does it affect the audience that is seeing the posts?

Hyper-idealistic lies looks into how social media can effect the people that are going throughout the posts on platforms like Facebook and Instagram. Since everyone is posting the ideal idea of themselves, the audience tends to believe what you are deciding to show them. Thus, everyone thinks that the rest of the people are living a good life. But in reality, the perfect life is too good to be real, everyone has his own problems but that is not something that people would post on social media. Real life has it’s down moments as well.

Study shows that people that go through social media posts, seeing others enjoying themselves, can lead them to fall in depressions, low-self esteem or feel lonely. This is because they believe everything they see online without realising that there is another side that they do not see behind each person that posts her happy moments on the media. You cannot say what the rest of society is going through.


Do not let social media bring you down. Stop looking at other’s posts & lives and start living your own the right way.

Life is too short to worry about what you do not have



Fake Profiles

Fake profiles can be dangerous to others and are done by people that want to keep their identity secret.

In some cases people create these online relationships with people online by hiding their identity with the images of another person as if they are literally someone else pretending to be living their life. Pretending that they are happy through social media and being able to speak to others through these fake profiles due that they are not confident enough with their self image. They express their feelings through online chatting with social media and sometimes even end up building a strong bond with someone else.


I have seen these cases on a reality tv show I used to follow on the MTV’s catfish show were people would eventually like to meet with the person that they have bonded with through social media and spoken to for long hours. The results are shocking, In most cases the persons they go meet are not at all whom they were expecting to see due to these fake profiles. As mentioned already most of the cases is that they build these profiles to build some confidence and speak with people as a way of them to maybe socialise comfortably behind the screens and monitors,secretly. After being asked why they admit that they did it to help them boost their self esteem or to keep themselves with some company a s they have no friends to speak to, because they are so self aware of their image that they are often people that do not leave their homes to socialise face to face with real people.

These often lead to chaotic situations were people end up feeling betrayed after thinking that they were having a friendship build on trust. What this teaches us is that you can not trust people that use social media platforms. You may never know whome is speaking from the other side of the internet and it is vital to teach children about the risks that there are online and to not trust anyone.

You may never know what the person behind the fake profile has in mind.


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